Quiz is LIVE!!
After a little work, our quiz system has been fixed and the September quiz is live and ready for taking!! Follow the link below to take the quiz for a chance to win a $25 service gift certificate!
After a little work, our quiz system has been fixed and the September quiz is live and ready for taking!! Follow the link below to take the quiz for a chance to win a $25 service gift certificate!
Season’s Greetings from all of our Team Members at Skyhigh Entertainment. Today starts the Festival of Lights, better known as Hanukkah. We would like to wish all of our fans and friends who celebrate this holiday, a very Happy Hanukkah. May this time of year bring you and your family closer together and enjoy the…
Today is 12/12/12 and we are celebrating with a very special offer! We take 2 of the 12’s and multiply together (12×12) and we get 144. So for today only we are offering a basic private party show for just $144!!! This is more than 50% off our normal fee for this show. Remember this…
Another year has passed and we need to be reminded of the hard times that our country went through not that far in the past, the anniversary of 9/11. As many people do, I have my own story to share about that tragic day 12 years ago. I was just a sophomore studying communications at…
Halloween is a very fun time of year for us. All of us at Skyhigh Entertainment has at one time or another, worked in a haunted attraction. We love the scare and the excitement of the haunt! We hope you all have a safe and Happy Halloween!! Be sure to send us photos of yourself…
The entertainer’s of Skyhigh Entertainment will be at several walks this weekend. Saturday 10/2/10 – Autism Speaks Walk in Longbranch, NJ Saturday 10/2/10 – Central Jersey Heart Walk in Bridgewater, NJ. Sunday 10/3/10 – Shoreline Heart Walk in Longbranch, NJ
Hey there, I made this video for the June issue of “Now You See It” Ezine and decided to share it with you too. Check it out!!