Thank You!
We wanted to take a quick second to thank everyone for their support in helping us reach our 250 votes needed for the Mission Small Business grant contest!
We wanted to take a quick second to thank everyone for their support in helping us reach our 250 votes needed for the Mission Small Business grant contest!
Our monthly shows will continue after the holidays with The Comedy Assassins – An Improv Comedy Troupe! Join us on January 8th, 2011 at 7:30pm for their debut show at the Freehold YMCA! If you have any questions, please contact our office! Happy Holidays!!
Welcome to the 2012 year!! This is going to be a great year full of fun, entertainment and great times with our past and future clients. We hope everyone had a great holiday season and we wish everyone the best in the year to come.
We at Skyhigh Entertainment understand what it’s like to be a father, after all, 2 of us are. So, on behalf of all of our Team Members, we’d like to wish all the Dad’s out there a very Happy Father’s Day!!!
Hey everyone, We need your help! We just entered into a contest for a $250k grant, and we could really use your help! Click the link below. Then click Login and Support, search for Skyhigh, and hit vote. It’s that simple! A few seconds of your time will go a long way to helping us…
Happy New Year from all of us at Skyhigh Entertainment!!